In the Key of Those Who Can No Longer Organize Their Environments is a lyric collage work, source texts of which include accounts of Canadian settler colonialism, psychological studies of compulsive hoarding, and more.
In a review for The Volta, Abigail Kerstetter writes, "In the Key of Those is a poetics of witness. It calls the reader to participate in this 'perpetual human task,' to persevere and toil on in pursuit of a fully and sincerely human experience. It calls the reader to actively participate in their own narrative, to be accountable to that narrative and the environment it creates."
You can read work from In the Key of Those Who Can No Longer Organize Their Environments online in: Harp & Altar, Sink Review, Horse Less Review (#11), Plastique Press (Poetry Center of Chicago Juried Reading, Book 15), Apocalypse Anthology, The Equalizer, Fact-Simile, and So & So Magazine.
And offline in: DIAGRAM III, 10 of DIAGRAMS, Handsome, The Harp & Altar Anthology, Slash Pine Anthology 2011, Dritto, Tight.
Order the book from SPD.
Book design by HR Hegnauer.